The Happy Hamm's

The Happy Hamm's

Monday, March 14, 2011

Does this make me a "blogger?"

Hi, I'm new here to this big bad blogging thing....and since I pretty much SUCK at keeping anything updated, whatsoever, I decided maybe, just maybe, if I had an outlet to post all kinds of our daily randomness, I would at least have something, somewhere, in print as far as documenting the big, and little, things in our life!

I should first give you a disclaimer....I LOVE, and I mean LOVE LOVE LOVE, run-on sentences....did you see that dot thing? It's my favorite literary tool! I never intended to use the dot thing obsessively (sorry Mrs. Dyck, I can't even remember right now what it's actually even called), but when texting became the latest and greatest form of communication, it just happened naturally for me. This is probably a good indicator of my life....lots, and lots, and LOTS of run-on thoughts.....(see, I did it again)....I think I like the fact that the dots don't finalize any particular thought, they just allow for more information, if necessary. What this really means is that I don't think things through most of the time before I just spew them out....

Okay, so enough about my lack of written grammar....(I swear, I'm going to try to stop that....tomorrow), I really have absolutley no idea in what direction this blog is heading long term, but for now, I'm just going to write...and I guess we'll see where it leads. I for sure plan on talking about my kids, a LOT, and I probably will talk about my love of coupon shopping. Actually, besides spending time with my family and a few close friends, the only other thing I really do in my "spare time" is obsess over coupons, and then shop with them of course.

So, in closing my first "official" blog post....I guess I really didn't say anything important, or interesting, for that matter. BUT, I did it....I "blogged"....does this mean I'm a "blogger???"  I don't know, only time will tell.....I'm going to plan on keeping my very part-time day job (working as an xray tech) for now, but I guess if I get SOO many followers on here that I make a TON of money on advertising, maybe I can be a FULL time stay at home Momma....only time will tell. Until then, I'm heading to bed....maybe I'll post again sometime in the year 2011. We'll see how distracted I get in the mean time.....